Sunday, May 24, 2009

Nairobi National Park

This morning we went to Nairobi National Park. It was awesome...and I mean
that not in the valley girl sense. Awesome is an overused word in our
language, often by me. Today, it was appropriate.

The van that took us took only the two of us. We left at 8am and it took
maybe 15 or 20 minutes to get there. There was a marathon so we had to use
the back gate. We might have been there for 3 minutes until a couple of
giraffes were right next to the van. The top of the van popped up so we
could stand and take pictures. Basically we drove around for the next 3.5
hours and the driver would stop and I'd stand and take pictures. It is
definitely not a zoo but you can see the skyline of the city. We saw tons
of giraffes, gazelles, buffalo, a hippo and lots of birds. As impressive
as the wildlife, the landscape and flora was beautiful. It is just so
different from my deciduous temperate forest home. I took about 400
pictures with my cool camera. The driver was very patient....most of the
other handfuls of vans we saw sped past whatever cool thing I was taking a
picture of.

The driver, Stanley, had an entire outfit of Philadelphia Eagles wear.
However, when I asked him about it I don't think he knew what he was
wearing. My Redskins fan self laughed inside.

At this point, a big shout out to Carol for the portable TP tip. It got
used at the toilet (and I use that term lightly).

Tonight Indian food!!


  1. You saw giraffes today..Tom and the boys are seeing giraffes today. There is a certain karma in that. Bet you hate to start work tomorrow. Although this does not compare to animals in Africa on parade, last evening your grandfather and I went to the East Berlin Memorial day parade. The VFW (several groups), fire engines, tractors, boy scouts and little baton twirlers. The entire town was there- then we went and had a bowl of soup. Great fun!! I am thoroughly enjoying your trip through this blogspot and I will check for new stuff later you, mom

  2. But more importantly did you see any giraffes fighting?!
